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Reintegration:  Homecoming

What little things have changed?  When you expect to find an emptly closet waiting for you, what does it mean when it's full of stuff?  Does it mean there isn't any room in their life for you? Or does it mean that it was too painful to see the empty closet space as a visual reminder of your abscence?  Was it just valuable real estate?  Before jumping to conclusions, take the time to ask!

Deployment Cycle:  Homecoming Challenges:  

How have you each changed while you were apart?  How will you negotiate new roles?

Inside Out Trailor.  Do you ever wonder what the other person is feeling?  How can you talk about what's important?  

The Spark Died:  What activities can you do together to renew the connection?


Brene Brown on Blame:  How do you move past "Whose fault is it?" to being accountable and vulnerable for our feelings?   


Look Up:  After spending a year only connecting online, how will things change to connect in person?


Kid President:  Things We should Say More Often:  What should you say more often?

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