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Program Criteria

(The Boring Details)


1.  We live in different places, so we can’t participate at the same time.  Skype or Face-time don’t    

    accomodate the various time zones.  Families are spread across multiple geographic time zones with 4-12

    hours difference. 

2.  Active duty members can attend an inperson class, but families need a program that covers the same      

    information at a flexible pace of as little as 15 minutes per day.  Discussion with people you are in a

     relationship with is what makes the information meaningful.    

3.  It shouldn’t require a special credential to teach because the information is about communication skills.

4. Every relationship matters.  Our lives include friends, parents, kids, and romantic relationships.  

5.  Use available videos, create what isn’t available, request copyright permission to use where necessary.

6.  Keep videos funny, but meaningful.  Separation is sad enough.

7. Sharing a Cultural connection matters because living in another country changes our perception of the


8.  Create an online version of the class so anyone can attend, at anytime.

9.  Shared experiences help relationships grow together:  half-marathon, hiking, scuba diving

     certification, online college classes.  Find something to both do separately during the next year. 

10.  Watch movies, football, or play games via Skype/Face-time as virtual "date nights".

11.   Communication skills enhance personal and professional relationships.

12.  Youtube is a “modern language” Airmen relate to.

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