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Section One:  Communication Skills.

Learn more about yourself and others.  Make a list of people important to you.  Consider meeting needs from a distance with technology.   How will you connect?  Different families have different values. 

Check your library for the DVD:   Get Curious, Not Furious, Understanding Your true Colors.  For information about what the colors mean:

Proof that Everything on the Internet is True 

Information is for discussion.  We aren’t implying everything is true.



Meet the Focker’s Trailer:   What are the family values that create conflict, things from different upbringings?  If we revert back to what we grew up with,  what will change?  What goes in the fridge versus on the counter?

Languages of Love:  Test available at  Discuss and compare.  How can you communicate more effectively to tell others "I love you" in a way they can understand?  

Languages of Apology:  Test available at

How can you communicate " I'm sorry" more effectively together?

The Power of "I" Messages

How can we talk about what we need without "blaming" others?

5 Pitfalls of Online Communication:  How can you avoid common traps with online communication?

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